Home Gym

Strength. Week 9. Bench press. 5 reps @ 60,65,70,75%.
Rest as needed. If you established a new 1RM last week. Use that for %’s.

5 sets. 2min Amrap.
4 DB Devils press.
6 Ring Dip.
8 Chest to bar.
Rest 60sec b/t sets. Start where you finished.

Home Workouts
Minimal & No equipment.
Warm up.
3 Sets.
10 reps of Y’s, T’s, W’s.
5-8 Sphinx push up.
5-8 Jefferson curl with overhead reach.

Minimal equipment.
12min Amrap for Quality.
10-12/arm Floor press.
10-15 Bicep curls.
10-15 Overhead tricep extensions.
Rest as needed b/t movements.

10min Amrap.
4/leg Single leg RDL (DB/KB).
5 Deck squat.
6/arm Single arm High pull (DB/KB).
7/arm Single arm Push press (DB/KB).

No equipment.
4 sets.
30sec Hand release push up.
30sec Rest.
8-10 Rucksack Bicep curls @ Tempo 2121.
30sec Rest.
8-10 Chair dips @ Tempo 2121.
Rest as needed b/t sets.

10min Amrap.
4/leg Single leg Prisoner a Good mornings.
5 Deck squats.
6/arm Odd object High pull.
7/arm Odd object Push press.