Warm up.
2 sets
10 Weighted Jefferson curls (Light weight).
10 Reverse lunge w/t OH reach.
20 Toe reaches.
Gymnastics. Week 5.
A. 3 sets
5-10 Kipping swing (Perfect form).
Rest 60sec b/t sets.
B 3 sets
B1. 5-10 Kipping swing.
Rest 30sec.
B2. 5-10 Kipping swing w/t Knee tuck.
Rest 90sec b/t sets.
A. 3-4 sets.
A1. *Hanging L-sit Amsap.
Rest 30sec.
A2. Toes to bar Amrap-2.
Rest 2.30-3min b/t sets.
*Scale: Single leg or hanging knee tuck.
20min. Start a new rd every 5min.
Buy in 500m/400m Row (1000m/800m Bike).
Into Amrap
6 Chest to Bar (Scale to Pull up, Jumping pull up or Ring rows).
6 Pistols (Pick a scale option that allows you to focus on quality and keep moving).
6 V up (Scale to single leg V up or Tuck up).
Min 5-10. Rd 2. 8 reps.
Min 10-15. Rd 3. 10 reps.
Min 15-20. Rd 4. 12 reps.