Home Gyms

Week 5. Weightlifting (Power).
3-5 sets Power clean & Jerk clusters 1.1.1
(15sec rest b/t reps) @ 75+%.
Rest 2-3min b/t sets.

12min Amrap.
10 Box jump overs 24/20.
1 Power clean & jerk complex (Choose a challenging weight. Must be completed unbroken).
Barbell complex: 1 Power clean + 1 Power jerk + 2 Hang power clean + 2 Split jerk.
10 Pull up (Sub burpees if no pull up bar).

Home Workouts.

Minimal & No equipment.
Warm up.
3 sets. 10/side Side plank rotations.
10 Jump switch lunges.
30sec Back to wall Handstand hold (Scale to pike off box/chair).

3 sets.
1. 60sec Amrap Hspu (Strict or kipping).
Rest 60sec.
2. 60sec Amrap Deficit push up 4″/2″.
Rest 60sec.
3. 100′ Bear crawl.
Rest as needed.

Minimal equipment.
7min Ladder.
2 Single arm Split jerk (Switch hands anytime). Use DB/KB/Odd object.
4 Alt Crossbody Single leg V up (Opposite hand to opposite foot).
Add 2 reps to S.jerk. Add 4 reps to SL V up.

No equipment.
7min Ladder.
2 Alt Jump switch lunges.
4 Alt Crossbody Single leg V up.
Add 2 reps to lunges. Add 4 reps to SL V up.