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CrossFit Coleraine

Today’s WOD 26th June 2019

Strength. Week 4.
Front squat contrast waves.

Strength accessory work.
9min omem.
1. 40sec DB Death march.
2. 40sec Goblet hold lateral box step overs.
3. 15-20sec/side Star plank.

Today’s WOD 24th June 2019

Oly. Week 1.
Snatch (Any style).
10min build to tough single.
4 x 30sec Amrap @80%. 60sec Rest.

3 rounds 30sec Work/30sec Rest.
1. Wall ball.
2. Alt DB Snatch.
3. Double unders.
4. Alt DB Power cluster.

Today’s WOD 23rd June 2019

10min Amrap.
10 Power snatch 35/25kg.
100m Run.
10 Overhead squat.
100m Run.

Rest 5min.

B. 8min Amrap.
5 D-ball Ground to Shoulder (Tough weight).
10 Ring push up.
10 Dual DB Rows 2×22.5/15kg.

5min Rest.

C. 3rds.
20 Weighted Russian twists.
30sec Hollow hold.
30sec Arch hold.
Rest as needed

Today’s WOD 21st June 2019

Strength. Week 3.
A1. CG Sumo deadlift (Dead stop).
A2. Standing SA press.

9min Amrap.
3 Shspu + 6 Khspu (Unbroken).
12 KBS.
15 BJ.

3 Strict press + 6 Push press.
12 KBS.
15 BJSD.

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