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CrossFit Coleraine

Today’s WOD 6/3/20

Strength Week 9.

A. Push press 5,3,1,1.
Rest 90sec-2min.

B. Retest 25 Strict CTB AFSAP (6min time cap).
Compare to 24/1/20

4 RFQ.
8-10 Inverted Ring rows.
30sec Hollow hold.
8-10 SA KB FR tall kneeling to standing.
30sec Superman hold.

Today’s WOD 4/3/20

Week 9. Weightlifting.
4 sets.
Power Snatch 1 rep E20sec x 6.
Rest 90sec. (Slightly increase weight from week 6).

30 Snatch 60/40kg. Compare to 11/12/18

Today’s WOD 3/3/20

Week 9. Gymnastics.

2 sets.
A1. Ring dip 5-8. (10+ then perform Elevator dips).
Rest 60sec Increase reps from last week.
A2. KB Gorilla rows 12-16 Alt reps.
Increase loading from last week. Rest 60sec

‘Choose your own path’. Partition reps anyway. 25min time cap. 100 WB.
75 T2B.
75 Cal.
75 Dual DB Stoh.

See whiteboard for RX/Scaled

Today’s WOD 2/3/20

Strength Week 9. Volume deload.

A. Snatch Supinated grip deadlift Cluster
1.1.1 (10sec) x 3.
Rest 2-3min.

B. 2 sets 10 reps Front rack cyclist squat @ Tempo 20X1.
Rest 60sec.

Threshold Intervals.
3 sets 3min Amrap/60sec Rest.
5 Power clean.
7 BJ (Any how).
9 Air squat.

See whiteboard for RX+/RX/Scaled/Fitness.

Today’s WOD 1/3/20

Week 9. FBB.

3 sets.
A1. 20m/side KB mixed carry (1 Front rack. 1 Overhead)
Rest 60sec.
A2. 10-12 Strict straight leg or knee raises.
Rest 60sec.
A3. 5-8/leg Single leg DB RDL’s @ Tempo 3111.
Rest 60sec.

10 KB Tall kneeling to standing (1 Front rack. 1 Suitcase. Switch after 5 reps).
Rest 15sec.
20sec/side Side plank.
Rest 15sec.
5 D-ball Ground to shoulder.
Rest 60sec.

Today’s WOD 29/2/20

Saturday session

Teams of 2. ‘It’s all gone Synchro’.

Ascending ladder.
5 Cal Bike.
5 Plate GTOH.
5 Air squat.
5 Cal Row.
5 Dual KB DL.
5 SA KB Push press.
Add 5 reps each rd.

Amrap @ finished rep scheme from Ascending ladder.

Today’s WOD 28/2/20

Strength Week 8.

3 sets.
A1. Push press 3 @ tempo 21X2.
Rest 90sec.
A2. Strict False grip Ring pull up with lean away 4-6 reps. Rest 90sec. Scaled: Weighted negatives.

12min max distance Row/Bike/Ski.
On every 90sec complete:
A. 30sec Amrap DU/SU.
B. 30sec Amrap Hrpu.
Alt between A&B.

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