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CrossFit Coleraine

Today’s WOD 30/3/20

Home Gym

Week 2. Weightlifting.

A. Low hang clean + Jerk. 2 + 1 omem x 6.
(2 Low hang clean + 1 Jerk. Any style).

B. Clean pull clusters 3 sets 1.1.1 (15sec rest b/t reps).
Rest 2mim b/t sets. 105+% of max clean.

3 rds.
45sec Single arm Alt DB Devils press 22.5/15kg.
Rest 15sec.
200m Row/Run.
Rest 2min.
45sec Alt DB snatch 30/22.5kg.
Rest 15sec.
200m Row/Run.
Rest 2 min

Home Workouts

Minimal equipment.
3 sets.
A1. 8/leg Single leg Crossbody RDL to Reverse lunge (Rest b/t sides). Use Barbell back rack or DB/KB or Weighted Ruck sack.
Rest 60sec.
A2. 15-20sec/side Copenhagen plank (Rest b/t sides).
Rest 60sec.

7min Amrap.
21 Lunge with forward reach.
15 Air squat.
9 V up.
Rest 4min.
7min Amrap.
100′ Shuttle Run (8 x 25′).
14 Tuck jumps.
7 No push up burpee.

No equipment.
3 sets.
A1. 10-15/leg Single leg Crossbody RDL to Reverse lunge (Rest b/t sides). Use Barbell back rack or DB/KB or Weighted Ruck sack.
Rest 60sec.
A2. 15-20sec/side Copenhagen plank (Rest b/t sides).
Rest 60sec.

As above.

Today’s WOD 28/3/20

Home Gym

Strength Week 1.
Push press (Barbell from the floor).
Build to heavy single in 5 sets.
Rest as needed.
Take risks. try bigger jumps in weight.

30 Strict hspu.
60 Toes to bar.
90 Cal or 1 mile Run.
Partition reps anyway.

Scale as needed.

Home workout

Run 1 mile.
Into 10rds
8 Burpee over object.
50′ Lunge.
Into 1 mile run.

Scale or substitute as needed.

Today’s WOD 27/3/20

Home Gym

Week 1. Weightlifting
Power Clean & Jerk. 8 sets on every 90sec.
Build to tough single.
Perform as touch & go. No pause b/t clean & jerk.

A. 5min Amrap.
2 SDLHP 40/30kg.
2 Overhead squat.
10 Lateral hops over BB after each rd.
Add 2 reps each rd.

Rest to full recovery.

Repeat Amrap.

Home Workouts
Minimal & No equipment.

Warm up
3 sets.
10 Alt SA Down dog.
5/leg Superman RDL’s.
10 Kneeling Hip extension.
60sec Contralateral Deadbug.

3 sets
A1. Chair dips @ tempo 31X1 Amrap-2 (Add weight if possible). Rest 60sec.
A2. Renegade rows 8-12/arm.
Rest 60sec.

1. 4min Amrap.
10 BB/KB/DB/ Ruck sack Hang Snatch.
20 Mountain climbers.

Rest 2min.

2. 4min Amrap.
10 B/KB/DB/Ruck sack Push press.
10 Sit up.

Rest 2min.


Use challenging weights. If using KB/DB for snatch & push press complete 5/arm.

Today’s WOD 26/3/20

Home Gym

Movement/Active Recovery
30min Recovery pace (Row/Bike)
On every 2min complete
Min 2: 10-12 Hip swivels.
Min 4: 5 Cat & Cow.
Min 6: 10 Alt bent arm Scorpions.

Home Workout

Movement/Active Recovery.
15-20min working through.
1. 10-12 Hip swivels.
2. 10 Alt reverse lunge with rotation.
3. 5 Cat & Cow.
4. 10-12 Alt bent arm Scorpions.
5. 10/leg Staggered stance toe touch.
Rest as needed.

Today’s WOD 25/3/20

Home Gyms

Week 1. Strength.
A. Max effort. Anderson squat. Build to 1RM
Set J-cup height so your start position is 1-2″ above parallel.

B. Banded Good mornings 12 reps omem x 8.
No band sub with BB or KB/DB Russian swings.

4 sets.
50′ Single arm DB Front rack lunge.
10 DB Hang power clean.
20 DB Box step up.
10 DB Hang power snatch.
Rest 3-4min. Only alternate hands each set

Home Workouts
Minimal equipment.
3-4 sets
A1. 10 Goblet squat @ tempo 40X1.
Rest 60sec.
A2. 30-45sec Glute bridge walk outs.
Rest 60sec.

Intervals. 6-8 sets 90sec Amrap/30sec Rest.
10 GTOH (DB/KB/Plate).
In remaining time Amrap Step up with weight.

No equipment.
3-4 sets
A1. 10-15 Air squats @ tempo 40X1.
Rest 60sec.
A2. 30-45sec Glute bridge walk outs.
Rest 60sec.

6-8 sets 90sec Amrap/30sec Rest.
10 Ruck sack GTOH.
In remaining time Amrap Step up with ruck sack.

Today’s WOD 24/3/20

Week 1. Gymnastics.
3 sets
A1. 3 WTD Wide grip strict pull up.
Rest 90sec.
A2. 5 WTD Strict ring dip (No rings sub with Deficit push up). Rest 90sec.

20min Amrap.
30/21 Cal (Bike/Row) or 400m Run.
5 Hspu. Add deficit if possible.
7 V up.
9 CTB.

Home workout.
3 sets 10-20 Push up. If possible elevate feet.
Rest 2min.

20min Amrap.
400m Run or 200′ Shuttle run (8 x 25′).
5 Hspu. Scale to Push up to down dog, Piked push up. Pike off box.
7 V up/Tuck up/Sit up.
9 Bent over rows (Use barbell, dumbbell, kettlebell or ruck sack).

Today’s WOD 23/3/20

Week 1. Weightlifting.
A. Low hang snatch (Below knee). 3 reps omem x 6.
Increase weight but focus on good positions.

B. Snatch pull clusters 3 sets 1.1.1 (10sec rest b/t reps). Rest 2min b/t sets.

10min Amrap.
10 Power snatch 35/25kg.
10 Bar facing burpee.
10 Thrusters 35/25kg.
35 DU/SU.

Home workout

3 sets
A1. Snatch grip RDL’s 10 reps @ tempo 40X1.
Rest 60sec.
A2. Front rack Split squat 8-10/leg @ tempo 2020 (Rest 30sec b/t legs).
Rest 90sec.

DB/KB variation.
3 sets
A1. Crossbody RDL’s 8/leg @ tempo 30X1 (Rest 30sec b/t legs). Rest 60sec.
A2. Goblet hold Split squat 8-10/leg @ tempo 2020 (Rest 30sec b/t legs).
Rest 90sec.

10min Amrap.
15 SDLHP (Single arm if using DB/KB. Switch hands anytime).
35 DU/SU.
15 Air squat.
35 DU/SU. Sub DU/SU with Jumping jacks.

No equipment.
3 sets
A1. 10 Waiters bow.
Rest 60sec.
A2. Prisoner split squat 8-12/leg @ tempo 2020 (Rest 30sec b/t legs).
Rest 90sec.

10min Amrap.
12 Prisoner SL Good mornings (6/leg).
35 Jumping jacks.
12 Curtsy squats (6/leg).
35 Jumping jacks.

Today’s WOD 21/3/20

Saturday Session

24min omem. 30sec work/30sec rest.

1. Alt DB/KB/Med ball Modified manmakers.
2. Sit up.
3. SA DB/KB/Med ball Front rack Reverse lunge.
4. Plank to push up.

No Equipment.
1. Down/Up to Squat jump.
2. Sit up.
3. Reverse lunge.
4. Plank to push up.

Today’s WOD 20/3/20

Strength. Gymnastics
Wtd Strict pull up.
build to 3RM.

4 sets 3-5 reps BW Strict pull or Use lightest band as possible.

17min Broken Amrap. 2min Work/60sec Rest. (Start where you finish).
21/16 Cal Row/Bike.
7/arm DB C&SJ.
14 BJO 24/20.

See whiteboard for RX/Scaled

Home workout

15 Ruck sack clean.
10 Push up to Down dog.
15 Ruck sake Push press.
200′ Shuttle run with Ruck sack (8 x 25′ Shuttles).

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