Snatch. 12min work up to a heavy single. (no more than 2 misses)
7min amrap of wall balls 9/6kg 10’/9′. Omem 3 power snatches 60/40kg
3 x 60sec weighted planks
Snatch. 12min work up to a heavy single. (no more than 2 misses)
7min amrap of wall balls 9/6kg 10’/9′. Omem 3 power snatches 60/40kg
3 x 60sec weighted planks
Strength. Week 3 of squat cycle
Front squat 6 x 3 @ 85%
5min amrap
15 air squat
5 deadlift 120/80kg
2min rest
3min amrap
7 toes to bar
21 double unders
‘Fight Gone Bad’
3 rounds for reps of:
60sec wall ball 9/6kg 10’/9′
60sec sumo deadlift high pull 35/25kg
60sec box jump 24/20
60sec push press 35/25kg
60sec cal row
60sec rest
Back squat 5 x 3 @ 70%
8min amrap
20 front rack lunges 45/30kg
10 weighted sit up
Pendlay row 5,5,5,5
Skill work.
Novice. Wall walks
Advanced. Bar muscle up
10min amrap
4 wall walks
6 strict chin ups
8 step down box jumps
Tabata sit up
400m run
50 over box jump 24/20
50 deadlift 80/55kg
50 wall ball 9/6kg 10’/9′
50 ring dip
50 wall ball
50 deadlift
50 over box jump
400m run.
Front squat 5 x 3 @ 80%.
5 rounds (1:1) in 2min complete amrap of
7 hang power snatch 35/25kg
7 box jump 30/24
rest 2min between rounds.
Snatch complex. Snatch high pull + power snatch + overhead squat
alternating tabata.
squat and press up.
accumulate 2min in a L-hold.
Well done to everyone in your achievements over the past month. Your determination and commitment is paying off. Keep it up!
JB 5rm back squat 100kg, 9 strict pull up, double under.
Mary 5rm back squat 50kg, OHS 25kg, 1rm clean 37.5kg, 3rm snatch grip deadlift 80kg
JP 5rm back squat 110kg, 1rm push press 80kg, kipping pull up’s
Claire 5rm back squat 50kg, 1st rx’d workout
Michele 1rm push press 42.5kg, 6am class
Eve 1rm push press 52.5kg, 60kg p.clean, 62.5kg clean, 5rm deadlift 100kg, fran 6.51
Paula 3rm t&g clean 46kg, 6 strict chin up’s, 3 strict pull up’s, 5 kipping pull up’s, 5rm back squat 55kg, 1rm push press pb
Grace 3rm push jerk 57.5kg, c&j 62.5kg, 3rm t&g clean 60kg
Ann Marie 5rm back squat 57.5kg
Sarah 5rm deadlift 115kg, 5rm back squat 90kg
Mark 5rm back squat 70kg, 3rm snatch grip deadlift 90kg
Laurence 2rm thruster 100kg, c&j 120kg, ‘grace’ pb
Wesley 2rm deadlift 30kg
Jonny 4 strict pull up’s
Lynne 1rm push press pb
Stuart ‘grace’ pb
Darren ‘grace’ pb
‘Half Murph’
800m run
50 pull up
100 push up
150 air squat
800m run