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CrossFit Coleraine

Today’s WOD 30th June 2014


front squat 6 x 6 @ 70% (add 2.5kg)



4 rounds for total reps

45sec wall ball 10’/9′ 9/6kg

15sec rest

45sec kettlebell snatch 24/16kg (alternate)

15sec rest

45sec double unders

15sec rest

Today’s WOD 26th June 2014


50 wall ball 9/6kg 10’/9′

40 kettlebell swings 24/16kg

30 step down box jump 24/20

20 chest to bar

10 hspu

20 chest to bar

30 step down box jump

40 kettlebell swings

50 wall ball

Today’s WOD 25th June 2014


12min work to a heavy

Snatch 1st pull (above knee) + snatch



21 power snatch 60/40kg

21 lateral bar burpee

15 overhead squat 60/40kg

15 lateral bar burpee

9 snatch 60/40kg

9 lateral bar burpee