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CrossFit Coleraine

Today’s WOD 26th July 2014


6min amrap

6 push press 60/40kg

6 bar facing burpee

4min rest

6min amrap

8 hang power clean 60/40kg

6 bar facing burpee

4min rest

6min amrap

10 deadlift 60/40kg

6 bar facing burpee

Today’s WOD 24th July 2014


15min work up to heavy 3 rep hang power snatch.


7min ladder of

hang power snatch 50/35kg. Going up in 2’s


wall ball 9/6kg 10’/9′. Going up in 4’s


Today’s WOD 23rd July 2014


6 sets 3 strict chest to bar 3 strict pull up 3 Kipping chest to bar.



4 rds for total reps

40sec kettlebell clean 24/16kg (alternate hands every 5 reps)

20sec rest

40sec ring rows

20sec rest

40sec box jump 24/20

20sec rest

Today’s WOD 19th July 2014


in pairs complete the following.

800m run. Both run 800m

75 box jump overs 24/20

75 power clean 45/30kg

75 sit up

75 push press 45/30kg

75 box jump overs

800m run. Both run 800m