Front squat 5 x 5 @ 70%
5 rounds
40sec thrusters 50/35kg
20sec rest
40sec chest to bar
20sec rest
Front squat 5 x 5 @ 70%
5 rounds
40sec thrusters 50/35kg
20sec rest
40sec chest to bar
20sec rest
3 x 30sec Hollow rocks
30min omem
1. 15 kettle bell swings 24/16kg
2. 10 barbell front rack lunges (heavy)
3. 10 bar touching burpee
Teams of 3
10min each team member establish heavy 1 rep clean (power or full)
rest 3min then
10min amrap
25 deadlift 80/50kg
25 burpee box jump overs 24/20
25 med ball clean 9/6kg
1 team member must run 200m while other 2 team members work through amrap
Teams of 3.
12min each team member establish heavy 3 rep push press. (Bar taken from floor)
rest 3min
15min amrap
100 pull up
100 handstand push up
100 sit up
100 double unders
teams of 3
10min amrap (relay)
6 ground to overhead 42,5/30kg
6 burpee
6 box jump 24/20
rest 2min
3 rounds for reps (relay. each team member completes 3 rds)
60sec wall ball 10’/9′ 9/6kg
60sec kettlebell swing 24/16kg
60sec rest
teams of 3
20min amrap
100 air squat
30 hang power clean 70/45kg
100 hand release push up
30 front squat 70/45kg
100 lunges
30 push jerk 70/45kg
pendlay row. 1,1,1,1,1
Teams of 2
18min amrap
12 wall ball 10’/9′ 9/6kg
10 toes to bar
8 shoulder to overhead 75/45kg
7 sets of high hang snatch + hang snatch.
8min amrap
40 double unders
20 alternating kettlebell snatch 24/16kg
10 chest to bar
12min work up to heavy 3 rep strict press.
1 x max effort push press at 3 rep strict press weight.
10min amrap
6 front squat 80/50kg
9 lateral bar burpee
12 box jump 24/20
Team workout
12 days of Christmas WOD.
1. Hspu
2. Thrusters 60/40kg
3. Box jump 24/20
4. Pull up
5. Burpee
6. Toes to bar
7. Wall ball
8. Kettlebell swings 24/16kg
9. Hand release push up
10. Overhead lunge with plate 20/15kg
11. Hang power clean 60/40kg
12. Snatch 60/40kg