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CrossFit Coleraine

Today’s WOD 1/6/20

Home Gym.

Strength. Week 5.
Strict press. 6 @ 70%. 6 @ 80%. 3 @ 90%. 2 @ 95%.
Rest as needed b/t sets.

Gymnastics under fatigue. Decide a rep scheme that’s challenging but doable for you.
15min omem.
1. 30sec Cal Row/Bike (25′ Shuttle runs).
2. 30sec Hspu (Strict or Kipping).
3. 5-15 Chest to bar/Pull up.

3 sets 10-15 Barbell bicep curls.
Rest 60-90sec.

Home Workouts + Zoom Classes.
Minimal & No equipment

Warm up.
3 sets
8 Alt reverse lunge w/t Overhead reach.
10/leg Single glute bridge.
30sec/arm Weighted overhead hold.

Zoom Classes + Minimal equipment.
4 sets.
4min Amrap.
10 Alt Reverse lunge (Suitcase hold Right arm). Hold DB/KB/Odd object.
8 Russian swing.
10 Alt Reverse lunge (Suitcase hold Left arm).
4 Alt Devils press (No push up).
Rest 2min b/t sets.
Start where you finish.

No equipment.
Same format.
Weighted Rucksack/Odd object for Reverse lunge & Russian swings.
Sub Burpee broad jump for Devils press.

Today’s WOD 30/5/20

Home Gyms

Touch & Go Power Snatch.
1 set 15 unbroken reps.
1 set 12 unbroken reps.
1 set 9 unbroken reps.
Increase weight each.
Rest as needed b/t sets.

6 Thrusters 50/35kg.
6 Chest to bar.
6 Overhead squat.
6 Chest to bar.
Into 2rds.
5 Thrusters 60/40kg.
7 CTB.
5 OHS.
7 CTB.
Into Amrap
4 Thrusters 80/55kg.
8 CTB.
4 OHS.
8 CTB.
Scale loading/movements as needed.

Home Workouts
Minimal & No equipment.

Warm up.
2 sets.
10 Sumo squats.
10 Weighted Good mornings.
10 Alt forward lunge w/t reach.
5/arm Push press.

24-28min omem.
1. Single arm Snusters (DB/KB/Odd object)
2. V up.
3. Single arm Snusters.
4. Sit up w/t Russian twists.
Snuster: Snatch into thruster.

Today’s WOD 29/5/20

Home Gym

Strength Week 4.
Bench press. 6 @ 65%. 6 @ 75%. 6 @ 80%. 6 @ 80-85%.
Rest as needed b/t sets.

12-15min omem.
1. 30sec Cal Row/Bike
2. 8-12 Bar facing burpee.
3. 30sec 25′ Shuttle run.

3 sets.
10-15 Banded hammer curls.
Rest 60sec.
10-15 Banded tricep extensions.
Rest 60sec.

Home Workouts.
Minimal & No equipment.

Warm up.
3 sets.
8/side Side plank rotations.
5 Push up to Down dog.
20 2 Footed hops (forwards/backwards).

Minimal equipment.
12min omem 3 Strict press @ 65%+ of max.
If no barbell. Perform Strict handstand push up (Increase reps from last week).

12-15min omem.
1. 45-60 Double unders/Single unders.
2. 8-12 Bar facing burpee.
3. 30sec 25′ Shuttle run.

3 sets.
10-15 Bicep curls.
Rest 60sec.
5-10 Diamond push up (Scale: Off knees).
Rest 60sec

No equipment.
12min omem Strict handstand push up (Increase reps from last week). Scale as needed.

12-15min omem.
1. 30-40 Jumping jacks.
2. 8-12 Burpee over object.
3. 30sec 25′ Shuttle run.

3 sets.
10-15 Odd object Bicep curls.
Rest 60sec.
5-10 Diamond push up (Scale: Off knees).
Rest 60sec

Today’s WOD 27/5/20

Home Gym

5 sets. Every 2min complete
1. 50 Double unders + 10 Cleans.
2. 50 DU + 8 Cleans.
3. 50 DU + 6 Cleans.
4. 50 DU + 4 Cleans.
5. 50 DU + 2 Cleans.
Increase weight each set.
Full cleans. No power cleans.

10min Amrap.
15 Toes to bar (Sub V up).
10 Deadlift 52.5/35kg.
5 Clean 52.5/35kg (Any style of clean).

Home Workouts
Minimal & No equipment.
Warm up.
3 sets.
5 Kang squat.
10 Russian swings.
5 Broad jump

Minimal equipment.
4 sets
A1. 8-12 double barrel Front rack or Goblet squat.
Rest 60sec.
A2. 10 Wall sit marches.
Rest 60sec.

10min Amrap.
15 Toes to bar (Sub V up).
10 Deadlift 52.5/35kg.
5 Clean 52.5/35kg (Any style of clean)
Sub BB with DB/KB.

No equipment.
4 sets
A1. 8-12 double barrel Front rack Rucksack squat.
Rest 60sec.
A2. 10 Wall sit marches.
Rest 60sec.

10min Amrap.
15 V up.
10 Rucksack Deadlift.
5 Rucksack Clean (Any style of clean).

Today’s WOD 26/5/20

Home Gym

Strength Week 4.
Strict press. 8 @ 65%. 6 @ 75%. 4 @ 85%. 4 @ 90%.
Rest as needed b/t sets.
If you done Murph yesterday then adjust % if needed to complete last 2 sets of strict press or perform as clusters (2.2 or or Push press any reps that you may fail.

20min Row/Bike @ easy pace.

Home Workouts
Minimal & No equipment.

Warm up.
3 sets.
10/leg Single leg toe touch.
10 Prisoner Good mornings.
10/leg Single leg hops.

Minimal equipment.
3 sets.
5min Ascending ladder.
4 No push up Down Up.
4 Sit up.
4 Hang Power clean (Pick challenging weight). No barbell sub DB/KB.
Add 2 reps after each rd.
Rest 3min b/t sets.

Midline strength.
3 sets.
A1. 30sec Flutter kicks.
Rest 60sec.
A2. 30sec Arch hold.
Rest 60sec.
A3. 30sec Russian twists.
Rest 60sec.

No equipment.
3 sets.
5min Ascending ladder.
4 No push up Down Up.
4 Sit up.
4 Rucksack Power clean.
Add 2 reps.
Rest 3min b/t sets.

Midline strength.
3 sets.
A1. 30sec Flutter kicks.
Rest 60sec.
A2. 30sec Arch hold.
Rest 60sec.
A3. 30sec Russian twists.
Rest 60sec.

Today’s WOD 25/5/20

Home Gym/Home Workouts

Warm up.
2-3 sets.
20 ‘A’ march.
10 2 Footed hops (Forwards/Backwards).
10 Sky divers.
10 Scap pull up (No pull up bar do 10 Y’s + T’s)
10 Alt Shoulder taps

Memorial Day ‘Murph’.
1 mile run.
*100 Pull up.
200 Push up.
300 Air squat.
1 mile run.
Partition reps anyway
Wear weighted vest if you have one.
*No pull bar sub Bent over rows/Towel rows.

Half ‘Murph’
Pull up: Reps, Jumping pull up, Ring row.
Push up: Reps, Ab mat below chest, Bench push up, Off knees.

Today’s WOD 23/5/20

Home Gym

Touch & Go Power clean & jerk.
Set 1. 15 unbroken reps.
Set 2. 12 unbroken reps.
Set 3. 9 unbroken reps.
Rest as needed b/t sets. Must increase weight each set

30 Front squat 40/30kg.
30 Toes to bar.
20 Thrusters 50/35kg.
20 T2B.
10 Clean to thruster 60/40kg.
10 T2B.

Home Workouts.

Warm up.
3 sets.
5 Push up to Down dog.
Lunge matrix/side.
20 Alt Glute bridge March.

7 Hspu.
7 Thrusters 45kg.
7 V up.
7 Power clean 45kg.
7 Burpee.
7 KB swings.
7 Ring rows.

No barbell.

7/arm Push press.
7/arm Thrusters.
14 Crossbody tuck up.
7/arm Deadlift.
7 Burpee.
7 Russian swings.
7/arm Bent over row.

Today’s WOD 22/5/20

Home Gym

Strength Week 3.
Bench press. 10 @ 60%. 10 @ 65%. 8 @ 70%. 8 @ 75%.
Rest as needed b/t sets.

5 sets. 3min Amrap.
5 Shoulder to overhead 52.5/35kg.
7 Hand release push up.
9 Box jump step down 24/20.
Rest 60sec b/t Amraps.

3 sets
A1. 10-15 Barbell pronated bicep curls.
Rest 60sec.
A2. 10-15 Overhead tricep extensions.
Rest 60sec.

Home Workouts.
Minimal & No equipment.

Warm up.
3 sets.
5 Plank to Down dog.
10/leg Staggered stance toe touch.
5 Broad jump.

Minimal equipment.
10min omem 3 Strict press @ 55-65% of max.
If no barbell. Perform Strict handstand push up (Increase reps from last week).

5-6 sets.
90sec complete 15/arm Single arm Shoulder to overhead (Scale reps if needed).
Amrap in remaining time
1 Straight leg sit up + Tuck up + Alt Single leg V up.
Rest 30sec b/t sets.

No equipment.
10min omem Strict handstand push up (Increase reps from last week). Scale as needed.

As above. Sub DBS/KB with Odd object.

Today’s WOD 20/5/20

Home Gym

Weightlifting. Snatch ladder.
2 sets.
3min Amrap.
3 @ 70% + 2 @ 75% + 1 @ 80%.
Rest 4min b/t sets.
Only 1 barbell. Set up to change plates quickly & efficiently. Practice before starting the Amrap.
Workout format.
In 3min complete 3 rep @ 70% change weight 2 rep @ 75% change weight 1 rep @ 80%.
Continue this format for the 3min.

3-4 sets (Skill & Gym midline focus).
1. 12 Alt Hang DB Split snatch.
Rest 30sec.
2. Accumulate 30sec (3 sets 10sec) Hanging Tuck front lever. Rest 30sec.
3. 5-6/arm Hang DB Clean & Jerk.
Rest 30sec.
4. 10/side Side Plank Arch up.
Rest as needed b/t sets.

Home Workouts.
Minimal & No equipment.

Warm up.
3 sets.
10 Sumo stance Good mornings (Hold DB/KB behind neck).
10 Alt Reverse lunge with overhead reach.
30sec/arm DB/KB overhead hold.

Conditioning (Skill & Gym midline focus).
20-25min omem.
1. 30sec Alt DB Hang snatch.
2. 30sec Hollow body hold.
3. 30sec Alt DB Clean & Split Jerk.
4. 10 Side plank Arch (Right).
5. 10 Side plank Arch (Left).
Can sub DB with light barbell.

No equipment sub Rucksack or Odd object.

Today’s WOD 19/5/20

Home Gym

Strength Week 3.
Strict press. 8 @ 65%. 8 @ 70%. 6 @ 80%. 6 @ 85%.
Rest as needed b/t sets.

Final week of Murph prep.
800m Run (Sub 1km Row/2km Bike).
Rest 2min.
50 Pull up.
100 Push up.
150 Air squat.
Then into
800m (Row/Bike).
Partition reps anyway (Scale volume if needed).

Home Workouts
Minimal & No equipment.

Warm up.
3 sets.
20 Plank position shoulder taps.
8 Sphinx push up.
10 Prone position T’s + W’s.

Minimal equipment.
3-4 sets.
A1. 10-12 Barbell Close grip Floor press @ Tempo 3111. (If using DB/KB complete rep both sides).
Rest 60sec.
A2. 8-10/arm Single arm upright row @ Tempo 21X1.
Rest 60sec.

800m Run.
Rest 2min.
50 Pull up (Sub DB/KB bent over row 25/arm).
100 Push up.
150 Air squat.
Then into
800m Run.
Partition reps anyway (Scale if volume too high).

No equipment.
3 sets.
A1. 8-10 Elevator push up.
Rest 30sec.
10-12 Push up + Shoulder taps.
Rest 60sec.
A2. 8-10 Rucksack upright row @ Tempo 21X1.
Rest 60sec.

800m Run.
Rest 2min.
50 Pull up (Sub Rucksack bent over row).
100 Push up.
150 Air squat.
Then into.
800m Run.
Partition reps anyway (Scale if volume too high).

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