Teams of 2.
In 5min Max distance row.
Rest 2min
Then complete
800m run
80 ground to overhead 20/15kg
80 hand release push (partner holds a plank)
80 overhead lunge 20/15kg
400m run
Teams of 2.
In 5min Max distance row.
Rest 2min
Then complete
800m run
80 ground to overhead 20/15kg
80 hand release push (partner holds a plank)
80 overhead lunge 20/15kg
400m run
Deadlift 5rm.
Thrusters 45/30kg
Toes to bar (5 down/up each time you break toes to bar)
Cash out
100 double unders
Catch up on any strength/skill you have missed this week. Or work on gymnastics.
60sec amrap
8 kettlebell swings 32/24kg
8 burpee
60sec rest
Close grip bench or Strict press 5RM.
6 push press 70/45kg
15 box jump 24/20
28 double unders
15min. On every 90sec 1 Power snatch + 1 Snatch.
10min amrap
200m run
15 wall ball 10’/9′ 9/6kg
10 power snatch 60:40kg
Back squat. 20min build to 5RM.
Conditioning. (Retest, Compare to 8th Dec)
500m row
40 air squat
30 sit up
20 push up
10 pull up
Team workout.
Teams of 2
20min amrap
30 cal row
30 hang power clean 60/40kg
30 box jump overs 24/20
30 handstand push up
30 thrusters 60/40kg
Deadlift 3×5 @70% of last weeks heavy set.
1 x Max effort strict pull up.
400m run
42 wall ball 10’/9′ 9/6kg
21 pull up
30 wall ball
15 pull up
18 wall ball
9 pull up
400m run
Catch up on any strength/skill missed this week.
6min ascending ladder
2 hang power snatch 50/35kg
2 lateral bar hop burpee
Add 2reps each rd.
Close grip bench or Strict press 3×5 @ 75% of last weeks heavy set.
Kettlebell bent row 3×10 each arm.
4min amrap
30 double unders
10 toes to bar
2min rest
4min amrap
10 box jump 24/20
10 diamond push up