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CrossFit Coleraine

Today’s WOD 5th July 2016


8min omem.
Strict toes to bar. Choose rep scheme. Quality over quantity.

Metcon. Retest. Compare to May 24th.

20min amrap.

400m run
30 thrusters 35/25kg
20 toes to bar
10 target burpees

Today’s WOD 28th June 2016


10min omem.

Odd min. Strict handstand push up
Even min. Strict chest to bar or pull up.

24min running clock (complete 4rds)

0-2min. Cal row 20/15. Then Amrap burpee box jump overs.

2-3min rest.

3-5min. 200m run. Then Amrap wall balls.

5-6min rest.
