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CrossFit Coleraine

Today’s WOD 24th May 2017



50 wall ball 10’/9′ 9/6kg.

40 kettlebell snatch (alternating) 32/24kg.

30 toes to bar.

20 box jump overs 30/24.

100 double unders.

Rest 5min.

100 double unders.

20 box jump overs.

30 toes to bar.

40 kettlebell snatch.

50 wall ball.

Today’s WOD 23rd May 2017



4 rounds.

4-8 Strict false grip ring pull up (tempo 21X2)

Rest 60sec.

4-8 Strict ring dip (tempo 3111).

Rest 60sec.

Intervals 1:1

4 x 2min. Complete

18/13 Cal row.

6 Deadlift 125/87.5kg.

In remaining time Amrap

Bar facing burpee.

Rest 2min.

Today’s WOD 22nd May 2017


Overhead squats (Tempo 32X1)



4rds for quality.

12 Front rack reverse lunges 70/50kg

12 SA push press. 6 each arm. AHAP

12 Box step up. 6 each leg. 30/24.

20sec Weighted side plank each side.

Today’s WOD 16th May 2017



20min Amrap.

500m/400m row. 1000m/800m AAB. Alternate each rd.

Unbroken wall balls 10’/9′ 9/6kg

L1: 25. L2: 20. L3: 15.

30-45sec double kb front rack hold. AHAP.

10 step down box jump 24/20.

Today’s WOD 15th May 2017




Back squat. 5RM.

5 x Superset

3 Push press (increase weight from 8th May).

Rest 60sec.

4-6 Strict chin up (tempo 31X2).

Rest 60sec.

Finisher. 1 x Max effort plank hold.


Today’s WOD 13th May 2017

Basics class.


In 20min complete:

200m run

21 axle bar deadlift 80/50kg. Overhand grip. No mix grip or hook grip.

21 ring rows

21 burpee box jump 24/20

200m run

15 axle bar deadlift

15 ring rows

15 burpee box jump

200m run

9 axle bar deadlift

9 ring rows

9 burpee box jump

200m run