Home Gym

Weightlifting. 6-8 sets 3 position Power Snatch (1 High hang + 1 Hang + 1 Floor).
Rest 2-3min b/t sets. Good footwork. No starfishing!

75 Split Snatch 35/25kg (Alternate legs each reps).
Every time you break complete 50 Double unders.

Home Workouts.
Minimal & No equipment.
Warm up.
3 sets. 10/leg Staggered stance Prisoner good mornings.
8/Leg Leg lifts + 10sec Isometric hold on last rep.
5 Squat jumps.

A. 6min Amrap.
21 Single arm Split snatch.
15 Toes to object or V up.
9 Box jump step down.

Rest 3min.

B. 6min Amrap.
21 Box jump step down.
15 Single arm Split snatch.
9 Toes to object or V up.

Rest 3min.

C. 6min Amrap.
21 Toes to object or V up.
15 Box jump step down.
9 Single arm Split snatch.

No equipment use Rucksack for Split snatch and alternate legs each rep.