Home Gym
A. 5min omem 1 Tall Power clean + 1 Tall clean.
Focus: Pulling under the bar
B. 4 sets Clean clusters 1.1.1 (Rest 10-15sec b/t reps) @ 65-70%.
Rest 2min b/t sets.
Conditioning. Barbell cycling & grip endurance.
3 sets.
75-100 Double unders/Single unders.
Into 2rds 12 Deadlift. 9 Hang power clean (Choose a load to allow complex to be completed unbroken. You can drop barbell after 9th Hang power clean).
Rest as needed b/t sets.
Home Workouts
Minimal & No equipment.
Warm up.
3 sets.
2 Lunge matrix/side. (Forward, lateral, reverse).
10/leg Single leg toe touch.
20sec/side Side plank.
Minimal equipment.
26min Broken Amrap. 2min Work/60sec Rest.
Start where you finish.
24 Weighted Step up (Box, chair, step).
12 Single arm Suitcase Deadlift + 9 Single arm Hang power clean (Right arm). Use DB/KB/Odd object.
24 Sit up.
12 Single arm Suitcase Deadlift + 9 Single arm Hang power clean (Left arm).
No equipment.
26min Broken Amrap. 2min Work/60sec Rest.
Start where you finish.
24 Rucksack Step up (Box, chair, step).
12 Rucksack Deadlift + 9 Rucksack Hang power clean.
24 Sit up.
6 Rucksack Power clean + 6 Rucksack front squat.