Home Gym
90sec Amrap Clean & Jerk @ 80% of max. (Full clean. No power clean. Any style of jerk allowed).
Spend time warming up well before the 90sec Amrap.
100 Wall ball.
80 Cal row/bike.
60 Toes to bar.
40 Hang DB Split snatch (Switch every 5 reps).
20m/arm Single arm DB overhead walking lunge.
Home Workouts.
Minimal & No equipment.
Warm up.
3 sets.
10 Sumo squats.
5 Inch worm.
10/leg Glute bridge.
50 Air squat.
10 Burpee.
40 Forward lunges.
10 Burpee.
30 Alt DB Clean.
10 Burpee.
20 Alt Single arm Down dog.
10 Burpee.
30 Alt DB Snatch.
10 Burpee.
40 Forward lunges.
10 Burpee.
50 Air squat.
No equipment sub Rucksack or Odd object for weighted movements.