
CrossFit Coleraine

Today’s WOD 18/5/20

Home Gym

Strength Week 5.
A. Back squat. 8 @ 65%. 6 @75%. 4 @ 85%. 4 @ 90%.
Rest as needed b/t sets.
B. Front squat. 5 @ 70%. 4 @ 80%. 3 @ 85%. 3 @ 90%.
Rest as needed b/t sets.

10min Amrap.
15 Ground to overhead 35/25kg.
35 Double unders/Single unders

Home Workouts
Minimal & No equipment

Warm up.
3 sets.
10 Alt reverse lunge with overhead reach.
10/leg Single leg toe touch.
50’/arm Single arm overhead carry.

Minimal equipment.
4 sets 6-8/leg Back rack Rear foot elevated split squat (Front rack hold if using DB/KB) @ Tempo 20X1.
Rest as needed b/t sets.

A. 8min Amrap.
12 Alt Single arm Devils press.
24 Air squat.

Rest 4min.

B. 8min Amrap.
8 Alt Single arm Devils press (DB/KB).
16 Box step up.

No equipment.
4 sets 10-12/leg Rucksack Back rack Rear foot elevated split squat Tempo 20X1.
Rest as needed b/t sets.

A. 8min Amrap.
12 Burpee.
24 Air squat.

Rest 4min.

B. 8min Amrap.
8 Burpee to 6″ target.
16 Alt step up.

Today’s WOD 16/5/20

Home Gym

Weightlifting. Snatch.
5min omem. 2 Touch & Go Power snatch @ 60-70%.
Straight into
5min omem 2 Touch & Go Snatch @ 60-70%.
This barbell cycling skill work. Adjust weights accordingly.

30 DB Facing burpee.
40 Alt DB Split snatch.
50 DB Box step overs.
40 DB Clean & Stoh (Switch arms every 5 reps).
30 DB Facing burpee.

Home Workouts
Minimal & No equipment

Warm up.
3 sets.
5 Inch worm + push up.
10/leg Staggered stance toe touch.
30sec/arm Overhead hold.

30 DB/KB Facing burpee.
40 Alt DB/KB Split snatch.
50 Box step overs (Holding weight).
40 DB/KB Clean & Stoh (Switch arms every 5 reps).
30 DB/KB Facing burpee.

No equipment sub weighted movements with Rucksack or Odd object.

Today’s WOD 15/5/20

Home Gym

Strength Week 2.
Bench press. 10 @ 60%. 8 @ 70%. 8 @ 75%. 8 @ 80%.
rest as needed b/t sets.

4min Amrap.
30 Air squat.
20 Push press 42.5/30kg.
10 Toes to bar (Sub V up).
Rest 60sec.
4min Amrap.
10 T2B.
30 Air squat.
20 Push press.
Rest 60sec.
4min Amrap.
20 Push press.
10 T2B.
30 Air squat.

Home Workouts
Minimal & No equipment.

Warm up.
3 sets.
5 Plank to Down dog.
10/leg Staggered stance toe touch.
5 Broad jump.

Minimal equipment.
10min omem 3 Strict press @ 50-60% of max. If no barbell. Perform Strict handstand push up.

15min omem.
1. 3-5 Wall walks (Scale: 8-10 inchworm + push up).
2. 30sec Deck squats.
3. 30sec Plank Crossbody Knee to Elbow.

3 sets 12-15 Bicep curls. Rest 60-90sec b/t sets.

No equipment.
10min omem Strict handstand push up (Pick rep scheme to focus on quality. 1-5 reps).
Shspu scale:
Off ab mat.
Pike off box.
Pike off floor.

As above.

Finisher. 3 sets 12-15 Rucksack Bicep curls. Rest 60sec b/t sets.

Today’s WOD 13/5/20

Home Gym

A. 5min omem 1 Tall Power clean + 1 Tall clean.
Focus: Pulling under the bar

B. 4 sets Clean clusters 1.1.1 (Rest 10-15sec b/t reps) @ 65-70%.
Rest 2min b/t sets.

Conditioning. Barbell cycling & grip endurance.
3 sets.
75-100 Double unders/Single unders.
Into 2rds 12 Deadlift. 9 Hang power clean (Choose a load to allow complex to be completed unbroken. You can drop barbell after 9th Hang power clean).
Rest as needed b/t sets.

Home Workouts
Minimal & No equipment.

Warm up.
3 sets.
2 Lunge matrix/side. (Forward, lateral, reverse).
10/leg Single leg toe touch.
20sec/side Side plank.

Minimal equipment.
26min Broken Amrap. 2min Work/60sec Rest.
Start where you finish.
24 Weighted Step up (Box, chair, step).
12 Single arm Suitcase Deadlift + 9 Single arm Hang power clean (Right arm). Use DB/KB/Odd object.
24 Sit up.
12 Single arm Suitcase Deadlift + 9 Single arm Hang power clean (Left arm).

No equipment.
26min Broken Amrap. 2min Work/60sec Rest.
Start where you finish.
24 Rucksack Step up (Box, chair, step).
12 Rucksack Deadlift + 9 Rucksack Hang power clean.
24 Sit up.
6 Rucksack Power clean + 6 Rucksack front squat.

Today’s WOD 12/5/20

Home Gym

Strength Week 2.
Strict press. 10 @ 60%. 8 @ 65%. 6 @ 70%. 6 @ 75%. 6 @ 80%.
Rest as needed b/t sets.

*6-8 sets. Start new round on every 3min.
Run 200m.
Remaining time Amrap
10 Pull up.
20 Push up.
Wear weighted vest if you have one.
*Base number of sets on how you feel.

Home Workouts
Minimal & No equipment.

Warm up.
3 sets.
20 Plank position shoulder taps.
8 Sphinx push up.
10 Prone position T’s + W’s.

Minimal equipment.
3-4 sets.
A1. 8 Barbell Floor press @ Tempo 3111. (If using DB/KB complete rep both sides).
Rest 60sec.
A2. 8 Barbell snatch bent over row @ Tempo 21X1. (If using DB/KB perform Elbow out bent over row @ same tempo/arm).
Rest 60sec.

*6-8 sets. Start new round on every 3min.
Run 200m.
Remaining time Amrap
10 Pull up (Sub Bent over rows).
20 Push up. (Wear weighted vest if you have one).
*Base number of sets on how you feel.

No equipment.
3 sets.
A1. 5-8 Elevator push up.
Rest 30sec.
8-10 Push up + Shoulder taps.
Rest 60sec.
A2. 8-10 Towel rows.
Rest 60sec

*6-8 sets. Start new round on every 3min.
Run 200m.
Remaining time Amrap
10 Rucksack rows.
20 Push up.
Wear weighted vest if you have one.
*Base number of sets on how you feel.

Today’s WOD 11/5/20

Home Gym

Strength. Week 4.
A. Back squat. 8 @ 65%. 8 @ 70%. 6 @ 80%. 6 @ 85%.
Rest as needed b/t sets.
B. Front squat. 5 @ 70%. 5 @ 75%. 5 @ 80%. 5 @ 85%.
Rest 2-3min b/t sets.

Conditioning. (Quality focus)
8min Amrap.
Single arm Alt Devils press (No push up) 22.5/15kg.
Alt Pistols (Scale as needed).
After round of 10. Restart at 2 and work back up.

Home Workouts
Minimal & No equipment

Warm up.
3 sets.
5 Kang squat.
10/leg SL hip thrust.
60sec Bird dog.

Minimal equipment.
Strength. Final week.
3 sets.
A1. 30sec Squat isometric (Towel).
Rest 30sec.
A2. Amrap-2 Front rack or Goblet squat @ Tempo 20X0.
Rest 2-3min.

2 sets.
6 sets 20sec work/10sec rest.
Wall ball (Sub Jumping Air squat).
Rest 60sec.
4 sets 40sec work/10sec rest. Single arm Hang clean & split jerk.
Rest 60sec.

No equipment.
Strength. Final week.
3 sets.
A1. 30sec Squat isometric (Towel).
Rest 30sec.
A2. Amrap-2 Air squat @ Tempo 3010.
Rest 2-3min.

2 sets.
6 sets 20sec work/10sec rest.
Jumping Air squat.
Rest 60sec.
4 sets 40sec work/10sec rest.
Rucksack Hang clean & split jerk (Alt legs each rep).
Rest 60sec.

Today’s WOD 9/5/20

Home Gym

Power clean complex.
A. 5min on every 30sec 2 Touch & Go Power clean @ 60-70%.
Straight into
B. 5min on every 30sec 2 Touch & Go Clean @ 60-70%.
This barbell cycling skill work. Adjust weights accordingly.

Conditioning. TTTtd46
Chest to bar (Scale: Rep scheme. Pull up).
Front squat 60/40kg

3.00-4.00min Rest.

Toes to bar (Scale: Rep scheme. High knees. V up).
Overhead squat 60/40kg
3min Time cap.

7.00-8.00min Rest.

Power clean 60/40kg.
Bar facing burpee.
5min Time cap.

Home Workouts
Minimal & No equipment.

Warm up.
3 sets.
8/leg High knee to reverse lunge.
8/arm Crossbody RDL’s (Use DB/KB/Odd object.
8/leg Lateral lunge.

25min Amrap.
20 Straight leg sit up.
30 Ground to overhead (Snatch/C&J). Use DB/KB/BB/Odd object.
40 Weighted Lateral step overs 20″(10kg/5kg Rucksack).

Today’s WOD 8/5/20

Home Gym

Strength Week 1.
A. Bench press. Quickly build to tough single.
B. Bench press. 10 @ 60%. 8 @ 65%. 8 @ 70%. 8 @ 75%.
Rest 2-3min b/t sets.

A. 6-8min omem.
1. 30sec KHspu (Scale as needed).
2. 30sec Cal Row/Bike (Sub 25′ Shuttle runs).

Rest as needed.

B. 6-8min omem.
1. 30sec. Kipping ring dip (If no rings. Sub Russian push up
2. 30sec Double unders.
This is skill focus. Quality ahead of Volume!

Home Workouts.
Minimal & No equipment.

Warm up.
3 sets.
5 Plank to Down dog.
10/leg Staggered stance toe touch.
5 Broad jump.

Minimal equipment.
3-4 sets.
A1. 8- 10 Strict press (If using DB/KB perform same rep per side)
Rest 60sec.
A2. 5/leg Weighted Single leg RDL to Knee lift.
Rest 60sec.

9-15-21 Hspu.
42-30-18 Single arm Russian swings (Switch hands anytime). Scale as needed.

No equipment.
3 sets.
A1. 3-5 Strict Hspu (Add deficit or scale as needed).
Rest 60sec.
A2. 8-10/leg Single leg RDL to Knee lift.
Rest 60sec.

9-15-21 Hspu.
42-30-18 Rucksack Russian swings.
Scale as needed.

Today’s WOD 7/5/20

Recovery workout

A. 12min Amrap.
20sec/arm Overhead hold.
10 Prone Snow angels.
5/side Bird dog.
5/side Halo’s.

Rest 3-4min.

B. 12min Amrap.
5/side Reverse lunge with overhead lateral reach.
30sec Hip swivels.
8/side Staggered stance toe touch.
30sec Bent knee hollow hold.

Today’s WOD 6/5/20

Home Gym

Week 1 Weightlifting.
A. Snatch complex.
4 sets. 1 Power snatch + 1 Ohs + 1 Snatch + 1 Ohs.
Rest 60-90sec b/t sets. Keep light. Work positions.
B. 4 sets Snatch clusters 1.1.1 (Rest 10sec) @ 65-70%.
Rest 2min b/t sets.

800m Run.
Rest 60sec.
*10min omem 5 Pull up. 10 Push up. 15 Air squat.
Rest 60sec.
800m Run.
*Scale reps to allow you to complete omem.
Sub Bent over rows if no pull up bar.

Home Workouts
Minimal & No equipment.

Warm up.
12min omem.
1. 5 inch worm to down dog.
2. 10 Sumo squats.
3. 15/leg Single leg hops.
4. 5/arm Push press.

Minimal equipment.
A. 6min Amrap.
6 No push up down up.
6 Single arm DB Thrusters or Light barbell.
36 Double unders/Single unders/Lateral line hops.
Rest 2min.
B. 6min Amrap.
6 Burpee.
6 Single arm DB Front squat or Light barbell.
6 Alt Jump switch lunges.
Rest 2min.
C. 6 Burpee over object.
6 Single arm DB Hang PC or Light barbell.
36 Double unders/Single unders/Lateral line hops.
Rest 2min.
D. 6min Amrap (Try to get similar as in part A).
6 No push up down up.
6 Single arm DB Thrusters or Light barbell.
36 Double unders/Single unders/Lateral line hops.

No equipment.
A. 6min Amrap.
6 No push up down up.
6 Rucksack Thrusters.
36 Lateral line hops.
Rest 2min.
B. 6min Amrap.
6 Burpee.
6 Rucksack Front squat.
6 Alt Jump switch lunges.
Rest 2min.
C. 6min Amrap.
6 Burpee over object.
6 Rucksack Hang Power clean.
36 Lateral line hops.
Rest 2min.
D. 6min Amrap.
6 No push up down up (Try to similar score as in part A).
6 Rucksack Thrusters.
36 Lateral line hops.