Home Gym
Strength Week 2.
A. Max effort Box squat (Box height 1-2″ above parallel).
Build to 1RM in 8 sets.
Focus on sitting back. Use glutes/hamstrings.
B. Barbell hip thrusts (Shoulders on bench).
3 sets 10 reps (Pause 1sec at top). Rest 60sec.
Skill work.
10-15min working through for quality.
10-20 Alt Pistols.
10-15sec L -sit Tuck hold off plates.
25′ HSW (Scale to 20 Back to wall Shoulder taps).
Adjust reps/time to focus on quality.
Home Workouts
Minimal & No equipment.
Warm up.
3 sets.
10 Alt Spiderman lunge.
20 High knees.
20 Heel kickers.
20 ‘A’ march.
30min Amrap.
*400m Run.
20 Russian Swings. Use KB/DB/Odd object.
60sec Straight arm plank.
10 Deck squats.
*Sub 400m Run with 60sec Down/Up + 60sec Jumping jacks.
Tabata Russian twists.
8 sets 20sec work/10sec rest.