
CrossFit Coleraine

Today’s WOD 1/4/20

Home Gym

Strength Week 2.
A. Max effort Box squat (Box height 1-2″ above parallel).
Build to 1RM in 8 sets.
Focus on sitting back. Use glutes/hamstrings.

B. Barbell hip thrusts (Shoulders on bench).
3 sets 10 reps (Pause 1sec at top). Rest 60sec.

Skill work.
10-15min working through for quality.
10-20 Alt Pistols.
10-15sec L -sit Tuck hold off plates.
25′ HSW (Scale to 20 Back to wall Shoulder taps).
Adjust reps/time to focus on quality.

Home Workouts

Minimal & No equipment.

Warm up.
3 sets.
10 Alt Spiderman lunge.
20 High knees.
20 Heel kickers.
20 ‘A’ march.

30min Amrap.
*400m Run.
20 Russian Swings. Use KB/DB/Odd object.
60sec Straight arm plank.
10 Deck squats.

*Sub 400m Run with 60sec Down/Up + 60sec Jumping jacks.

Tabata Russian twists.
8 sets 20sec work/10sec rest.

Today’s WOD 31/3/20

Home Gym

Week 2. Gymnastics.
3 sets
A1. WTD strict pull up cluster 1.1.1 (15sec rest b/t reps). Rest 90sec.
A2. 5 WTD Strict ring dip (No rings sub with Deficit push up) Increase weight from last week.
Rest 90sec.

‘Broken Amrap’. 20min 30sec work/30sec rest.
15 Box jump (5 Step up/down, 5 Jump step down. 5 Rebounding).
12 Push press 52.5/35kg.
9 Pull up (Sub barbell rows).

Home Workouts.

Minimal equipment.
3-4 sets
A1. Hspu Amrap -2.
Rest 60sec.
A2. 12 Bent over rows @ Tempo 2020.
Rest 2min.
Hspu scale: Shorten ROM. Pike off box/chair. Pike push up. Plank to Down dog.
Tempo bent over row use: BB/DB/KB/Bumper plate/Weighted Ruck sack.

10min Amrap.
50 Double unders/Single unders/Jumping Jacks,
10/arm DB/KB Push press (20 reps if using barbell. Keep weight light).
50 DU/SU/JJ.
15 Hand release push up.

No equipment.
Strength as above.
Use odd object for Tempo bent over rows.

10min Amrap.
50 Jumping Jacks.
10 Pike push up.
50 Jumping Jacks.
15 Hand release push up.

Today’s WOD 30/3/20

Home Gym

Week 2. Weightlifting.

A. Low hang clean + Jerk. 2 + 1 omem x 6.
(2 Low hang clean + 1 Jerk. Any style).

B. Clean pull clusters 3 sets 1.1.1 (15sec rest b/t reps).
Rest 2mim b/t sets. 105+% of max clean.

3 rds.
45sec Single arm Alt DB Devils press 22.5/15kg.
Rest 15sec.
200m Row/Run.
Rest 2min.
45sec Alt DB snatch 30/22.5kg.
Rest 15sec.
200m Row/Run.
Rest 2 min

Home Workouts

Minimal equipment.
3 sets.
A1. 8/leg Single leg Crossbody RDL to Reverse lunge (Rest b/t sides). Use Barbell back rack or DB/KB or Weighted Ruck sack.
Rest 60sec.
A2. 15-20sec/side Copenhagen plank (Rest b/t sides).
Rest 60sec.

7min Amrap.
21 Lunge with forward reach.
15 Air squat.
9 V up.
Rest 4min.
7min Amrap.
100′ Shuttle Run (8 x 25′).
14 Tuck jumps.
7 No push up burpee.

No equipment.
3 sets.
A1. 10-15/leg Single leg Crossbody RDL to Reverse lunge (Rest b/t sides). Use Barbell back rack or DB/KB or Weighted Ruck sack.
Rest 60sec.
A2. 15-20sec/side Copenhagen plank (Rest b/t sides).
Rest 60sec.

As above.

Today’s WOD 28/3/20

Home Gym

Strength Week 1.
Push press (Barbell from the floor).
Build to heavy single in 5 sets.
Rest as needed.
Take risks. try bigger jumps in weight.

30 Strict hspu.
60 Toes to bar.
90 Cal or 1 mile Run.
Partition reps anyway.

Scale as needed.

Home workout

Run 1 mile.
Into 10rds
8 Burpee over object.
50′ Lunge.
Into 1 mile run.

Scale or substitute as needed.

Today’s WOD 27/3/20

Home Gym

Week 1. Weightlifting
Power Clean & Jerk. 8 sets on every 90sec.
Build to tough single.
Perform as touch & go. No pause b/t clean & jerk.

A. 5min Amrap.
2 SDLHP 40/30kg.
2 Overhead squat.
10 Lateral hops over BB after each rd.
Add 2 reps each rd.

Rest to full recovery.

Repeat Amrap.

Home Workouts
Minimal & No equipment.

Warm up
3 sets.
10 Alt SA Down dog.
5/leg Superman RDL’s.
10 Kneeling Hip extension.
60sec Contralateral Deadbug.

3 sets
A1. Chair dips @ tempo 31X1 Amrap-2 (Add weight if possible). Rest 60sec.
A2. Renegade rows 8-12/arm.
Rest 60sec.

1. 4min Amrap.
10 BB/KB/DB/ Ruck sack Hang Snatch.
20 Mountain climbers.

Rest 2min.

2. 4min Amrap.
10 B/KB/DB/Ruck sack Push press.
10 Sit up.

Rest 2min.


Use challenging weights. If using KB/DB for snatch & push press complete 5/arm.

Today’s WOD 26/3/20

Home Gym

Movement/Active Recovery
30min Recovery pace (Row/Bike)
On every 2min complete
Min 2: 10-12 Hip swivels.
Min 4: 5 Cat & Cow.
Min 6: 10 Alt bent arm Scorpions.

Home Workout

Movement/Active Recovery.
15-20min working through.
1. 10-12 Hip swivels.
2. 10 Alt reverse lunge with rotation.
3. 5 Cat & Cow.
4. 10-12 Alt bent arm Scorpions.
5. 10/leg Staggered stance toe touch.
Rest as needed.

Today’s WOD 25/3/20

Home Gyms

Week 1. Strength.
A. Max effort. Anderson squat. Build to 1RM
Set J-cup height so your start position is 1-2″ above parallel.

B. Banded Good mornings 12 reps omem x 8.
No band sub with BB or KB/DB Russian swings.

4 sets.
50′ Single arm DB Front rack lunge.
10 DB Hang power clean.
20 DB Box step up.
10 DB Hang power snatch.
Rest 3-4min. Only alternate hands each set

Home Workouts
Minimal equipment.
3-4 sets
A1. 10 Goblet squat @ tempo 40X1.
Rest 60sec.
A2. 30-45sec Glute bridge walk outs.
Rest 60sec.

Intervals. 6-8 sets 90sec Amrap/30sec Rest.
10 GTOH (DB/KB/Plate).
In remaining time Amrap Step up with weight.

No equipment.
3-4 sets
A1. 10-15 Air squats @ tempo 40X1.
Rest 60sec.
A2. 30-45sec Glute bridge walk outs.
Rest 60sec.

6-8 sets 90sec Amrap/30sec Rest.
10 Ruck sack GTOH.
In remaining time Amrap Step up with ruck sack.

Today’s WOD 24/3/20

Week 1. Gymnastics.
3 sets
A1. 3 WTD Wide grip strict pull up.
Rest 90sec.
A2. 5 WTD Strict ring dip (No rings sub with Deficit push up). Rest 90sec.

20min Amrap.
30/21 Cal (Bike/Row) or 400m Run.
5 Hspu. Add deficit if possible.
7 V up.
9 CTB.

Home workout.
3 sets 10-20 Push up. If possible elevate feet.
Rest 2min.

20min Amrap.
400m Run or 200′ Shuttle run (8 x 25′).
5 Hspu. Scale to Push up to down dog, Piked push up. Pike off box.
7 V up/Tuck up/Sit up.
9 Bent over rows (Use barbell, dumbbell, kettlebell or ruck sack).

Today’s WOD 23/3/20

Week 1. Weightlifting.
A. Low hang snatch (Below knee). 3 reps omem x 6.
Increase weight but focus on good positions.

B. Snatch pull clusters 3 sets 1.1.1 (10sec rest b/t reps). Rest 2min b/t sets.

10min Amrap.
10 Power snatch 35/25kg.
10 Bar facing burpee.
10 Thrusters 35/25kg.
35 DU/SU.

Home workout

3 sets
A1. Snatch grip RDL’s 10 reps @ tempo 40X1.
Rest 60sec.
A2. Front rack Split squat 8-10/leg @ tempo 2020 (Rest 30sec b/t legs).
Rest 90sec.

DB/KB variation.
3 sets
A1. Crossbody RDL’s 8/leg @ tempo 30X1 (Rest 30sec b/t legs). Rest 60sec.
A2. Goblet hold Split squat 8-10/leg @ tempo 2020 (Rest 30sec b/t legs).
Rest 90sec.

10min Amrap.
15 SDLHP (Single arm if using DB/KB. Switch hands anytime).
35 DU/SU.
15 Air squat.
35 DU/SU. Sub DU/SU with Jumping jacks.

No equipment.
3 sets
A1. 10 Waiters bow.
Rest 60sec.
A2. Prisoner split squat 8-12/leg @ tempo 2020 (Rest 30sec b/t legs).
Rest 90sec.

10min Amrap.
12 Prisoner SL Good mornings (6/leg).
35 Jumping jacks.
12 Curtsy squats (6/leg).
35 Jumping jacks.

Today’s WOD 21/3/20

Saturday Session

24min omem. 30sec work/30sec rest.

1. Alt DB/KB/Med ball Modified manmakers.
2. Sit up.
3. SA DB/KB/Med ball Front rack Reverse lunge.
4. Plank to push up.

No Equipment.
1. Down/Up to Squat jump.
2. Sit up.
3. Reverse lunge.
4. Plank to push up.

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