Barbell cycling.
6min omem
5 Touch & Go Power clean & jerk (2sec pause in catch with clean & the jerk).
18min Amrap
Teams of 2
31 AAB cal
31 Toes to bar
31 P.clean 80/55kg
31 Bar facing jump burpee
Barbell cycling.
6min omem
5 Touch & Go Power clean & jerk (2sec pause in catch with clean & the jerk).
18min Amrap
Teams of 2
31 AAB cal
31 Toes to bar
31 P.clean 80/55kg
31 Bar facing jump burpee
back squat cluster
5 x 1:1:1 (Rest 10sec between each rep)
6min ascending ladder
2 SDLHP 52.5/35kg
2 Front squat 52.5/35kg
Add 2 reps each round
15min amrap.
Teams of 2.
10 bar muscle up
60 wall ball 10’/9′ 9/6kg
20 d-ball clean 60/40kg
Rest 2min.
12min build to 1RM Snatch (power or full)
(Combined weight).
5 sets 1 push press + 1 power jerk + 1 split jerk
3 sets strict wide grip pull up. Max effort -1
7min amrap
7 shoulder to overhead 52.5/35kg
7 bar facing jump burpee
Barbell cycling.
6min omem
5 touch & go Power snatch (2sec pause in catch)
Conditioning. Sustainable effort.
A. 7min amrap.
200m run
20 d/b snatch 22.5/15kg
40 double unders
Rest 3min.
B. 7min amrap.
150m row
2 wall walks
20 reverse lunges
Back squat clusters
5 x 2:2 (15sec rest between reps)
Rest 2.30 between sets.
Ring dip
Deadlift 105/70kg
Skill. Hang power snatch.
A. 5min amrap
10 double KB deadlift 3224kg.
10 box jump overs 24/20
Rest 3min.
B. 5min amrap
10 hang power snatch 40/30kg
10 no push up burpee
Hero WOD
5 sets
2 push press + 3 power jerk + 1 split jerk
3 sets 4-6 strict chest to rings
8min amrap.
10 KB Stoh (5/arm) 32/24kg
40 double unders
10 pull up
Barbell cycling.
6min omem.
5 Touch & Go Power cleans (2sec pause in catch).
4 sets. In 2min complete
5 deadlift 70/47.5kg
5 bar facing jump burpee
5 hang power clean
5 bar facing jump burpee
5 power cleans
In remaining time Amrap AAB cal.
Rest 2.30min.