4 Rounds (24min)
Teams of 2.
A. 3min row.
B. 3min amrap
15 shoulder to overhead 52.5/35kg.
15 box jump overs 24/20.
Partners switch every 3min.
4 Rounds (24min)
Teams of 2.
A. 3min row.
B. 3min amrap
15 shoulder to overhead 52.5/35kg.
15 box jump overs 24/20.
Partners switch every 3min.
4 x
4-8 Strict false grip ring pull up (21X2).
Rest 60sec.
4-8 Strict ring dip (3111).
Rest 60sec.
12min Amrap.
3 Hang power clean 85/57.5kg.
6 Burpees.
12 Toes to far.
200m Run.
overhead squat (tempo 32X1)
3,3,3,3,3. Increase weight from last week.
16 min Omem.
1. 12 SA OH reverse lunge 32/24kg. 6 each side.
2. 8 OH hold sit up. AHAP.
3. 12 SA Russian swings each arm. 32/24kg.
4. 40sec Plank march.
2 position clean & jerk.
1 high hang (hip) + 1 hang (above knee) + 1 power jerk.
build to max weight.
12min amrap
5 power clean @75%
5 strict hspu
200m run
50 wall ball 10’/9′ 9/6kg.
40 kettlebell snatch (alternating) 32/24kg.
30 toes to bar.
20 box jump overs 30/24.
100 double unders.
Rest 5min.
100 double unders.
20 box jump overs.
30 toes to bar.
40 kettlebell snatch.
50 wall ball.
4 rounds.
4-8 Strict false grip ring pull up (tempo 21X2)
Rest 60sec.
4-8 Strict ring dip (tempo 3111).
Rest 60sec.
Intervals 1:1
4 x 2min. Complete
18/13 Cal row.
6 Deadlift 125/87.5kg.
In remaining time Amrap
Bar facing burpee.
Rest 2min.
Overhead squats (Tempo 32X1)
4rds for quality.
12 Front rack reverse lunges 70/50kg
12 SA push press. 6 each arm. AHAP
12 Box step up. 6 each leg. 30/24.
20sec Weighted side plank each side.
Power snatch 1RM. Retest. Compare to 5th April.
Metcon. Retest. Compare to 5th April.
7min Amrap of Power snatch @85% of 1RM.