Basics class.
Teams of 2.
20min Amrap
400m run carrying med ball.
80 wall ball
600m row or 1000m AAB. Partner holds plank
60 hand release push up
Basics class.
Teams of 2.
20min Amrap
400m run carrying med ball.
80 wall ball
600m row or 1000m AAB. Partner holds plank
60 hand release push up
12min omem
1 Hang clean. Build to Max weight.
15 chest to bar
12 bar jumping burpee
3 hang clean @80% of above
Strict handstand push up.
Intervals. Speed strength + Anaerobic power
5 x on every 3min
10 power cleans @50% of max. AFAP.
10sec AAB @100% effort.
Rest remainder of 3min.
2 rounds @ 75-85% effort.
4min Max distance AAB.
4min Amrap.
D/B snatch 22.5/15kg
Step down box jump 24/20
4min Max distance row.
4min Amrap.
30sec weighted wall sit
5 strict toes to bar
20 double unders
A. Back squat. (build to 5RM. Increase weight from 10th April).
B. 5 x superset of
3 push press (build to 3RM. Increase weight from 10th April).
rest 60sec
5-10 strict chin up (increase reps from 10th April).
rest 60sec.
C.3 x max effort oh tricep extensions.
Basics class.
4min amrap.
300m AAB.
Rest 2min.
4min amrap.
5 Ring rows.
10 Air squats.
Rest 2min.
4min amrap.
10 KB push press (5 each arm).
10 Russin swings.
Rest 2min.
4min amrap.
Burpee box jump overs.
12min omem.
1 power snatch + 1 snatch. Start @ 60% of Max power snatch.
Increase weight each set.
6min amrap.
30 double unders.
3 power snatch @ 85% of Max power snatch.
Strict handstand push up.
Intervals (95-100% effort)
3 x 5min Amraps
3 thrusters 35/25kg
3 down/up’s
add 3 reps after each rd.
Rest 3min after each rd.
Metcon. (75-85% effort).
12min Amrap.
500m/350m row
5 high box jump (step down)
5 plank walk outs
2min walking rest
12min Amrap
400m run
8 double KB cleans 24/16kg
30sec double KB overhead hold 24/16kg
25min Amrap in teams of 2.
60 pull up
30 front rack lunge 60/40kg
60 lateral bar jump burpees
30 SDLHP 60/40kg
60 ab mat sit up