Teams of 2
20min amrap
30 partner jumping burpees
20 clean & jerk *60/40kg
30 box jump overs 24/20
20 sit up with bumper plate 20/15kg
* After each round completed increase weight on clean & jerk to
70/45kg 80/52.5kg 90/57.5kg
Teams of 2
20min amrap
30 partner jumping burpees
20 clean & jerk *60/40kg
30 box jump overs 24/20
20 sit up with bumper plate 20/15kg
* After each round completed increase weight on clean & jerk to
70/45kg 80/52.5kg 90/57.5kg
CrossFit Open 2015 15.2 (14.2 repeat)
Spend 15min working on a skill of your choice or catch up on strength/skill work you have missed this week.
4 rft
20 kettlebell swings 24/16kg
10 kettlebell front rack reverse lunges 24/16kg
40 double unders
Floor press 3 x 5 add 2.5kg from last week
Superset with
Ring rows 3 x 10
3 rft
400m run
5 strict handstand push up
10 chest to bar
20 wall ball 10’/9′ 9/6kg
Power snatch 3,3,3,3,3
10-8-6-4-2 snatch 65/40kg
5-4-3-2-1 muscle up
Back squat 3 x 5 add 2.5-5kg from last week.
5min amrap
7 burpee box jump 24/20
7 hang power clean 60/40kg
Rest 2min.
5min amrap
5 box jump 24/20
5 front squat 60/40kg