Conditioning. 20min amrap in teams of 2
50 kettlebell swings 24/16kg
50 weighted walking lunges
50 weighted sit up
50 shoulder to overhead 42.5/30kg
50 alternating kettlebell snatch 24/16kg
50 wall ball 9/6kg 10’/9′
Conditioning. 20min amrap in teams of 2
50 kettlebell swings 24/16kg
50 weighted walking lunges
50 weighted sit up
50 shoulder to overhead 42.5/30kg
50 alternating kettlebell snatch 24/16kg
50 wall ball 9/6kg 10’/9′
Back squat 5 x 2 @ 70%
5 rounds for total reps of
60sec max effort GTOH with bumper plate 20/10kg
60sec max effort step down box jump 24/20
60sec rest
15min work up to a heavy bear complex.
Bear complex. Power clean, front squat, push press, back squat, behind the neck push press.
12min omem.
Complete 1 bear complex on the minute every minute.
Pendlay row 5,5,5,5 (heavier than last week)
Superset with 5 strict tempo toes to bar.
7min amrap
7 pull up
7 toes to bar
7 push up
7 squat
CrossFit Coleraine was very proud to host it’s first competition, not only was it the first for our box it was also the first of it’s kind in Northern Ireland. Well done to worthy winners but it is worth saying that taking part in any sort of competition and putting yourself ‘out there’ takes courage and determination so well done to every participant, who helped make the day what it was. Also, congratulations to all CrossFit Coleraine athletes who competed, some of which for the first time. We are immensely proud of what we ALL achieved that day.
1ST – 8020-Luke Ebron, Victoria Elliot, Jonny Creaney
2ND – Derry- Steven Duffy, Philip Duffy, Claire Lightowlers
3RD – RCFNI- Sam Clarke ,Mark McConville ,Louise Murphy
4TH – 8020- Kathryn Fearon, Jake Baxter, Richard Aston
5TH – 8020- Michael Robinson, James McCall, Laura Cullen
6TH – 8020- Gail McComskey, Paul Donnelly, John Monaghan
7TH – Coleraine- Stephen Hutton, Eve Flack, Laurence McCormick
tied with
7TH – 8020- Sarah Armstrong, Niall Eastwood, Jon Morrison
9TH – RCFNI- John McGeachy, Mark Cassell, Marie-Clare McCabe
10th – Evolve- Ricky Morrison, Magda Kiszko, Andy Chapman
11TH – Coleraine- JP, Anne Marie, Andrew Thompson
12TH – Derry- Denise Hillick, Sean McCallion, Mark Madden
tied with
12TH – Derry- James Rankin, Rachel Smallwood, Luke James Anderson
14TH – 8020- Lyndsey Brown, David Armstrong, William Gilpin
15TH -Derry – Sinead Martin, Kevin Anderson, Ciaran Stevenson
16TH – Causeway – Dean Rainey, Jane Neill, Alick Ford
17TH – Derry – Graham McFadden, Kieron McKinney, Kendra Fisher
18th – Derry – Ciaran Mullan, Morgan Sweeney, Louise McClelland
tied with
18TH – Causeway – Will Smith, Peter O’Hara, Emily
20TH – Derry – Carl Oxley, Emma Tracey, Oran Sweeney
Strict press 3,3,3,3,3. Superset with strict pull up.
Freddy’s Revenge
5 rounds for time
5 shoulder to overhead 85/60kg
10 burpee
Strength. 4th wk of squat cycle.
Front squat 5 x 2 @ 90%
12min amrap in teams of 2
45 double unders
30 wall ball 9/6kg 10’/9′
15 deadlift 100/70kg
* one team member must run 200m while the other team member is work.
Front squat 7 x 1 @ 90%
14min omem
Odd min. Amrap 5 lateral bar jump burpee 5 thrusters 42.5/30kg
Pendlay row
5,5,5,5 (heavier than last week)
superset with 5 tempo strict toes to bar.
8min ladder 2,4,6 etc
Hang power clean 60/40kg
Box jump 24/20
Snatch. 12min work up to a heavy single. (no more than 2 misses)
7min amrap of wall balls 9/6kg 10’/9′. Omem 3 power snatches 60/40kg
3 x 60sec weighted planks