
CrossFit Coleraine

Today’s WOD 7th February 2014


Good mornings


3 rounds
60sec max effort muscle up (chest to bar)
60sec max effort wall ball 9/6kg 10’/9′
60sec max effort ground to overhead with plate 20/10kg
60sec rest

Score is total reps

January’s Achievements 2014

Just want to say well done to everyone and also how proud we are of what you’s have achieved in the 1st month at CrossFit Coleraine. The hard work and commitment you have shown in your training is evident in the workouts and along with pb’s in weightlifting, gymnastics. Keep up the hard work!!!

Gillian 5rm back squat 60kg
3rm front squat 55kg
Power clean 42.5kg
John 5rm back squat 100kg
3rm clean grip deadlift 120kg
5 strict pull up
Laurence 3rm front squat 130kg
1rm back squat 170kg
Mary 5rm back squat 45kg
1rm back squat 55kg
Power clean 35kg
3rm front squat 47.5kg
Wall walk
Partial chin up
Darren 5rm back squat 110kg
1rm back squat 130kg
Glynis 1rm back squat 70kg
6 pull up
Claire 2rm split jerk 37.5kg
Ann Marie 1rm back squat 72.5kg
5rm back squat 57.5kg
Power snatch 35kg
Sarah 5rm front squat 70kg
1rm deadlift 105kg
Grace 1rm back squat 72.5kg
Clean&jerk 55kg
Ohs 45kg
Power snatch 42.5kg
Strict pull up
Mark 3rm back squat 35kg

Today’s WOD 1st Febuary 2014


10min to work up to a heavy 3 rep close grip floor press
Max effort @ 70% of heavy 3 reps


50 wall ball 9/6kg
40 kettlebell snatch 24/16kg
30 box step up’s 20″
20 sit up
30 box step up’s
40 kettlebell snatch
50 wall ball