
CrossFit Coleraine

Today’s WOD 31st January 2014


Snatch grip RDL’s


Death by bar jumping burpees

0-1min 3 bar jumping burpees
1-2min 6 bar jumping burpees
2-3min 9 bar jumping burpees
3-4min 12 bar jumping burpees
4-5min 15 bar jumping burpees
5-6min 18 bar jumping burpees
6-7min 21 bar jumping burpees
7-8min max effort

Retest in pull program

2 weeks in and the pull up program is proving to be a great success. Those who have retested this week have seen great gains so much so that they have surpassed their original target. Still 4 weeks left to make further improvements.

Well done to John, Mary and Glynis who are showing the way for those who have yet still to retest this week.

I would like to commend those participating in the program for their tenacity as they have been following a specific program that requires dedication and commitment, and are now reaping the rewards.

Well done.

Using MindBody

MindBody instructions.
When you click into MindBody, you will see CrossFit Derry, don’t worry you are in the right place!
* go to the tab that says ‘CrossFit Derry’ top right, click on it and select ‘CrossFit Coleraine’.
* if you are completely new to MindBody go to , ‘sign up!’.
* go to the right set of name boxes, ‘new to the site?’ And put in your name.
* if admin has already created an account for you your name will pop up with ‘this is me!’ Next to it. If correct click on and follow instructions.

John Brankin Testimonial

CrossFit Coleraine is the place to join for structured, supported and supervised training in a safe and injury free environment. Coaches Stevie and Eve are committed, caring and consistent ensuring all members are given good technique in all aspects of cf training. They enjoy seeing all members progress across all age bands from young to mature.

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